a) Renaissance
b) Medieval
c) Byzantine
d) Romanesque
2. He suggested the idea of “Linear City” from Cadiz, Spain across Europe through St. Petersburg, Russia in which he proposed that the logic of linear utility line should be the basis of all city lay-out.
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Ebenezer Howard
c) Daniel Burnham
d) Arturo Soria y Mata
3. Town design stems from their sense of the finite, the idea that all things should be of a definite size to be comprehensible and workable
a) Ancient Roman
b) Ancient Greek
c) Ancient Egyptian
d) Ancient American
4. In their towns, they choose another kind of module. They choose large modules in order to achieve a sense of overpowering grandeur.
a) Ancient Roman
b) Ancient Greek
c) Ancient Egyptian
d) Ancient American
5. Rectilinear land division during ancient times is a result of what?
a) Herding
b) Defense
c) Plow Farming
d) Politics
6. He believed the use of open space as element of urban system and the urban park as an aid to social reform.
a) Clarence Perry
b) Frederick Olmstead
c) Clarence Stein
d) Arturo Soria y Mata
7. It combined the advantages of the town by way of access and all the advantages of the country by way of the environment without any of the disadvantages of either.
a) New Towns
b) New Urbanism
c) Garden Cities
d) Neighborhood
8. According to him, the city was a totally designed system of main circulation arteries, a network of parks and clusters or focal buildings or building blocks of civic centers incl. city hall, a country court house, a library, an opera house, a museum, and a plaza
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Ebenezer Howard
c) Daniel Burnham
d) Arturo Soria Y Mata
9. He developed the neighborhood principle based on the natural catchment area of community facilities such as primary schools and local shops.
a) Clarence Perry
b) Frederick Olmstead
c) Clarence Stein
d) Arturo Soria Y Mata
10. He proposed “La Ville Radieuse (Radiant City)” anchored on the objective to decongest the centres of our cities by increasing their densities by building high on small part of the total ground area.
a) Leonardo da Vinci
b) Arturo Soria Y Mata
c) Le Corbusier
d) Frank Lloyd Wright
11. Radburn represented a dramatic advance in community planning. It introduced the following except one.
a) Introduced a hierarchy of roadways.
b) Deliberately separated pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
c) Introduced the concept of the residential superblock
d) Houses were oriented towards the streets
12. A center of activity; distinguished by virtue of its active function; it is a distinct hub of activity.
a) Paths
b) Nodes
c) Landmarks
d) Edges
13. The concept of the center is probably the single most important idea with which the designer works because of the following reasons except for one which is:
a) It gives the city imageability or a strong image.
b) Nodes are points, the strategic spots in a city into which an observer can enter, and which are the intensive foci to and from which he is traveling.
c) Emphasize all parts of the city.
d) Lively, pedestrian-friendly downtowns with a mixture of stones, merchants, services and public spaces.
14. The choice the environment represents to the user.
a) Legibility
b) Permeability
c) Genius Loci
d) None of the Above
15. With their emphasis on street layout, they introduced the idea of major and minor streets – two main streets at right angles called “cardo” and "decumanus” dividing the town into four quarters.
a) Ancient Roman
b) Ancient Greek
c) Ancient Egyptian
d) Ancient American
16. First documented settlement with streets with a narrow main street heading uphill and a wider terminal which might be a social spot.
a) Jericho
b) Khirokitia
c) Catalhoyuk
d) Damascus
17. Ancient Egyptian settlements are characterized by the following except one.
a) Social classes determined housing sites.
b) Dependence on the Nile River.
c) Has zoning and defined blocks for housing.
d) Built reservoirs to store water and dug canals to carry it to the fields.
18. Ancient cities in Indus Valley well known for their impressive, organized and regular layout and had advanced and extensive drainage system.
a) Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa
b) Thebes and Memphis
c) Eridu and Jericho
d) Damascus and Babylon
19. The first noted urban planner who introduced the grid system and the agora.
a) Arthemus
b) Hippodamus
c) Miletus
d) Spartacus
20. Chiefly remembered for his “Ideal” cities, star-shaped plan with streets radiating from a central point, usually proposed as the location for a church, palace, or possibly by a castle.
a) Leon Batista Alberti
b) Biaggio Rosseti
c) Peter Kropotkin
d) Andrea Palladio
21. A Russian-born geographer, author, and revolutionary, he suggested the use of electricity to allow towns to be built anywhere.
a) Tony Garnier
b) Arturo Soria Y Mata
c) Peter Kropotkin
d) Leon Batista Alberti
22. What became a major element of town planning and urban design during the Renaissance and Baroque periods,
a) Arts and Architecture
b) Universities
c) Coastal Towns
d) World Trade
23. A Spanish “Laws of the Indies” town classified as civil.
a) Pueblo
b) Poblacion
c) Mission
d) Presidio
24. The world’s largest officially recognized historical district designed by James Oglethorpe.
a) Charleston
b) Annapolis
c) Williamsburg
d) Savannah
25. A speculator’s town designed by William Penn.
a) Annapolis
b) Philadelphia
c) Chicago
d) New Harmony
26. City proposed by Robert Owens designed for 800 to 1200 persons with agricultural, light industrial, educational, and recreational facilities.
a) Radiant City
b) Ideal City
c) New Towns
d) Industrial City
27. The first garden city designed by Raymond Unwin and Barry Parker in 1902.
a) Welwyn
b) Letchworth
c) Hampstead
d) London
28. Urban design with emphasis on grand formal designs, with wide boulevards, civic spaces, arts, etc.
a) Unite d’Habitation
b) Radburn
c) Le Contemporaine
d) City Beautiful
29. A concept coined by Jean Gottman for urban complexes used today to refer to massive urban concentrations created from strong physical linkages between three or more large cities.
a) Conurbation
b) Metropolis
c) Megalopolis
d) Barbican
30. Which of the following statements is not true?
a) Legibility is important at two levels: physical form and activity patterns.
b) Legibility in the old days: important buildings stood out.
c) Legibility of form and uses is reduced in the modern environment.
d) Separating pedestrians from vehicles also increases legibility.
31. Lack of connectivity is linked to ____________.
a) Vehicle Dependence
b) Consequent Significant Public Health Risk
c) Poor Health Benefits
d) All of the Above
32. Poor quality of public space and walkability can be linked to ________.
b) Bad Street Lighting
c) Perceived Lack of Safety
d) Personalization
33. Counters the gigantism of the metropolis and protect the residents from the hazards and convenience of the city.
a) Local Character
b) Neighborhood Character
c) Heritage Character
d) All of the Above
34. A city is an urban area differentiated from a town, village or hamlet by:
a) Size
b) Population Density
c) Legal Status
d) All of the Above
35. That knowledge of a place.
a) Sense Of place
b) Orientation
c) Interrelatedness
d) Gentrification
36. Supports choice by maintaining or enhancing the feature that make one place different from one another.
a) Urbanization
b) Urban Centers
c) Urban Character
d) Urbanism
37. The grid layout system of settlement had been the product of the ____________.
a) Herdsmen
b) Farmer
c) Fisherman
d) Anchorman
38. A building layout where buildings have two faces: the public face is the front of the building which faces the street where the entrances are; the private face is usually the back of the building and faces the inside of the block.
a) Strip Development
b) Cluster Development
c) Planned Unit Development
d) Perimeter Block Development
39. A successful place offers a mix of activities to the widest range of possible users. This is achieved by the following except one:
a) Uses create a balanced community with a range of services, without increasing the need for the car.
b) Narrow plot frontages allow small scale shopping and commercial activities to flourish.
c) Big shared structures such as superstores or multiplex cinemas can be wrapped by small plot units to create active frontages.
d) To promote social inclusion, social housing is distinguishable from private housing by its design or its location in less desirable sites.
Answers at: http://pupclass.blogspot.com/2008/06/answers-to-review-questions-planning2.html
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