a) Ekistics Grid
b) Survey before plan
c) Grid System
d) Sectoral Planning
2. Patrick Geddes coined this term to mean the conglomeration of town aggregates, describing the waves of population to large cities followed by overcrowding and slum formation
a) Backflow
b) Broadacre
c) Amorphic
d) Connurbation
3. Also called a “new town idea” which is to create a series of superblocks, island of greens, bordered by homes and carefully skirted by peripheral auto roads.
a) Radburn
b) Neighborhood Unit
c) Broadacre
d) Garden city
4. The result of dense concentrations of people and residents, mixed blocks of different age and conditions.
a) Genius Loci
b) Yuppification
c) Amorphic
d) Obsolescence
5. The maximum distance a consumer is willing to travel to avail of a good or service beyond which people will look to another center
a) Hierarchy of Services
b) Market Area Analysis
c) Market Range
d) Core Periphery
6. Minimization of total costs (transport and production costs) in site selection; supply-oriented
a) Profit Maximizing
b) Market Area Analysis
c) Market Range
d) Least Cost Approach
7. Planning that contains the entire components relevant to the requirements of a geographic area, say socio-economic plan, land use plan, implementing machinery and specific programs and projects within a given time frame.
a) Action-Oriented
b) Sectoral Planning
c) Comprehensive Planning
d) Zoning
8. Planning on a longer term (5 – 10 years) and deals on a particular sector, say transportation, industry or housing.
a) Action-Oriented
b) Comprehensive Planning
c) Sectoral Planning
9. A plan that has been formulated to check immediate problems of a community on a short term basis.
a) Action-Oriented
b) Sectoral Planning
c) Comprehensive Planning
10. He conceived the city as a series of five concentric zones
a) Burgess
b) Hoyt
c) Mckenzie
d) Ullman
11. The ever-increasing use of automobiles produced a shift to a more dispersed pattern of development in cities referred to as.
a) Scatteration
b) Sprawl
c) Linear
d) Transition
12. The concept of Homer Hoyt which provided insights into the patterning of land uses and led to a theoretical explanation on residential land uses in terms of wedge-shaped sectors radial to the city’s center along established lines of transportation
a) Concentric Zone Concept
b) Sector Concept
c) Multiple Nuclei Concept
d) Transition
13. Determinants of location
i. Cost and Revenue ii. Topography iii. Accessibility iv. Desirability
a) i, ii, iii
b) ii, iii, iv
c) i, iii, iv
d) i, ii, iv
14. A local legal measure which embodies regulations affecting land use is
b) Zoning Ordinance
c) Cadastral Survey
d) Tax Declaration
15. In central business districts, the highest land values are usually the areas where…
i. Zoning is for Commercial Land Use
ii. No Front Setback
iii. Fronting the Road
iv. Density is Highest
a) i, ii
b) iii, iv
c) i, iii
d) I, iv
16. An urban ecology process that occurred as early as the late 19th century in England and was attributable among others to the railway system, a mobile middle class and the tendency to establish housing estates/model dwellings.
a) Urbanization
b) Suburbanization
c) Gentrification
d) Sprawl
17. The planning body of the local government unit which assists the Sanggunian in setting the direction for economic and social development and coordinating development efforts within its territorial jurisdiction.
a) LDC
b) Mayor
18. A type of urban development in which activities are concentrated at the core and supported by rings of varying width and land use.
a) Star-Shaped
b) Concentric
c) Galaxy
d) Cluster
19. It is a land development scheme wherein project site is comprehensively planned as an entity via unitary site plan which permits flexibility in planning/design, building siting, and the preservation of significant natural land features.
a) PUD
b) STRIP Development
c) Mixed-Use Development
d) New Urbanism
20. A type of development wherein development is on direct frontage on primary distributors.
a) Arterial
b) Commercial Dev’t
c) Strip Development
d) Radburn
21. A concept wherein blocks are lengthened, and cross streets reduced in number or eliminated.
a) Superblock
b) T-intersection
c) Grade Separation
d) Radburn
22. This hypothesis is built around the observation that frequently there are a series of nuclei in the patterning of the urban land uses rather than the single central core used in the other theories.
a) Concentric Nuclei Concept
b) Sector Nuclei Concept
c) Multiple Nuclei Concept
d) Transition
23. A document that describes the present or actual situation of the community in relation to its natural and human resources.
c) CDP
d) IP
24. It means the combination of commercial and residential uses on a single lot or within a single integrated development on multiple lots.
a) PUD
b) Mixed-Use Development
c) New Urbanism
d) Cluster Development
25. A major CBD serves a population of _____.
a) 50,000-100,000
b) 100,000-250,000
c) 250,000-300,000
d) 300,000-500,000
26. The use of land which generates the maximum profit without negative consequences especially on the environment
a) Highest and Best Use
b) Zoning
c) Land Use
d) Planning
27. The second zone in Burgess Concentric Zone Theory.
a) CBD
b) Transition Zone
c) Independent Working Men’s Homes
d) Area of Better Residences
28. These development forms a mini-community in which these parts are shared: semi-private open spaces, paths and stairways, parking facilities, children’s play areas, etc.
a) PUD
b) Mixed-Use Development
c) Cluster Development
d) New Urbanism
29. Built-up areas in a general land use map is represented by what colr.
a) Red
b) Yellow
c) Blue
d) Brown
30. According to the Multiple Nuclei Model of Harris and Ullman, this activity will be located on the outskirts of towns or where the outskirts were when the development took place.
a) Heavy Industry
b) High Class Housing
c) CBD
d) Lower Quality Housing
Answers at: http://pupclass.blogspot.com/2008/06/answers-to-review-questions-planning3_7445.html
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