Thematic or Analytical Maps
Land Use Map
Zoning Map
Facilities/ Infrastructures Map
Traffic/Circulation Map
Population Density Map
Land Use
the manner of utilizing land, including its allocation, development and management.
Land Management – the right of the State to classify, guide and regulate the acquisition, use and disposition of land in the interest of public welfare.
May involve the movement of people, goods, communication, or amenities.
Existing ties or linkages of community facilities (such as nearby shopping centers, employment hubs, residential areas, churches, schools, parks, and playgrounds)
Determine whether existing linkages exist, and if not, decide how they can be established or improved.
Traffic & Transit
Relationship of traffic patterns to each other and to the site.
Inventory of existing vehicular networks, trips – including their origin and destination, purpose, time of day, and volume
Graphically plot transport systems and their location or routes.
Check volume of traffic or frequency.
Roads provide a primary means of access to a site. Their availability and capacity may be prime determinants in whether and how a parcel of land can be developed. Basic Categories of Roads:
a Local Streets have the lowest capacity and provide direct access to building sites. They may be in the form of continuous grid or curvilinear systems or may be cul-de-sacs or loops.
b Collector Streets connect local streets and arterial streets. They have a higher capacity than local streets but are not usually intended for through traffic. Intersections of collector and local roads may be controlled by stop signs, whereas intersections with arterial streets will be controlled with stop lights.
c Arterial Streets are intended as major, continuous circulation routes that carry large amounts of traffic on two or three lanes. They usually connect expressways. Parking on the street is typically not allowed and direct access from arterial streets to building sites should be avoided.
d Expressways are limited access roads designed to move large volumes of traffic between, through and around population centers. Intersections are made by various type of ramp systems, and pedestrian access is not allowed. Expressways have a major influence on the land due to the space they require and their noise and visual impact.
Public Transit
The availability and location of public transit lines can influence site design. A site analysis should include a determination of the types of public access available (whether bus, subway, rail line or taxi stop) and the location relative to the site. Building entrances and major site features should be located conveniently to the public transit. In large cities, site development may have to include provisions for public access to subway and rail lines.
Density, Zoning
In residential dev’t, expressed in numbers of families or dwelling units per hectare.
May also be expressed in floor area ratio (F.A.R.) or gross floor area covering the site.
the division of a community into zones or districts (e.g.) commercial, residential, industrial, institutional, etc.) according to present and potential uses of land to maximize, regulate and direct their use and development in accordance with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the community.
It takes the form of a locally enacted ordinance which embodies among others, regulations affecting:
Uses allowed or disallowed in each zone or district
Conditions for allowing them
Deviations legally allowed from the requirements of the ordinance.
It is concerned primarily with the use of land and the control of density of population through the imposition of:
building heights
building massing/bulk
open space
density provisions in a given area
Regulations mainly concerned with layout and standards such as street width, turning radii, road right-of-way, cul-de-sac length, curb, sidewalk requirements and landscaping.
Existing Buildings
Natural Features
Significant natural features such as rock outcroppings, cliffs, caves, and bogs should be identified to determine whether they must be avoided or can be used as positive design features in the site design.
Spatial Patterns
Visual Barriers
View analysis may be required to determine the most desirable ways to orient buildings, outdoor areas, and approaches to the buildings. Undesirable views can be minimized or blocked with landscaping or other manufactured features.
sir salamat po sa mga modules. very useful po talaga..