Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Planning 3 Introduction (Module 1a)

I begin my lecture with the following quotations:

Improving the environment should not mean only correcting pollution or the other evils of technological and urban growth. It should be a creative process through which man and nature continue to evolve in harmony. At its highest level, civilized life is a form of exploration which helps man rediscover his unity with nature. In the words of T. S. Eliot,
“We shall not cease from exploring,
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

In every part of the world, the interplay between man and nature has commonly taken the form of a true symbiosis-namely a biological relationship which alters somewhat the two components of the symbiotic system in a way that is beneficial to both. Such transformations, achieved through symbiosis, account in large part for the immense diversity of places on earth and for the fitness between man and environment so commonly observed in areas that have been settled and have remained stable for long periods of time.
. . . by using scientific knowledge and ecological wisdom, we can manage the earth so as to create environments which are ecologically stable, economically profitable, esthetically rewarding, and favorable to the continued growth of civilization.

Environmental Improvement (Air, Water, & Soil)
The Graduate School
US Department of Agriculture
Washington DC., 1986

The task of the artist is to sense more keenly than others the harmony of the world, the beauty and the outrage of what man has done to it, and poignantly to let people know.
Nobel Lecture

A civilization is only a way of life. A culture is the way of making that way of life beautiful.
Quoted: Saturday Review, Oct. 4, 1975.

We have met the enemy . . .
And he is us.
-from the cartoon feature POGO by Walt Kelly

With these quotes, we start our discussion on the importance of having proper planning to provide us the environment for healthful and pleasant living as well as give an overview of the relationship of man to other forms of life on earth and to the environment as well.

(will still revise this, so pls. post comments)

go to Module 1b: http://pupclass.blogspot.com/2008/05/planning-3-introduction-module-1b.html

Planning 3 Course Outline

Planning 3 is Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning

It covers concepts and emerging trends, cursory survey of methods and techniques in urban and regional planning. It also touches on the importance ofproper spatial development to the built environment.

Pre-requisites: Planning 2 and Design 8

The course objectives are the following:

1. to give the student a general understanding of planning

2. to provide the student with the basic foundation of planning

3. to provide a broader framework upon which the student in architecture can forsee the implication of specific projects

4. to introduce the student to the current thoughts and practices with regards to plan formulation.


1. Introduction / Rapport Building

2. Man and his ecosetting

3. Ekistics: The Science of Human Settlements

4. Location Theory

5. Basic Planning Concepts

6. Planning Theories

7. Planning Process

8. Planning Tools

9. Sectoral Planning

10. Physical Planning

11. Land Use Planning

12. Infrastructure Planning

13. Social Planning

14. Economic / Fiscal Planning

15. Institutional Planning

16. Special Planning: Tourism Planning / Historic Preservation

17. Planning Typologies: PUDs, cluster housing, mixed-use development, commercial developments, industrial parks, community design, resort community design, open space considerations.

18. Consolidation

Course requirements: midterm, departmental and final exams (to those who failed the departmental exams), reports, group work, assignments and quizzes.


Introduction to Planning, Ernest Alexander, 2nd Ed., 1993

Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning, Peter Hall, 3rd Ed., 1992

Action Planning for Cities, N. Hamid and R Goethert 1997

HLURB Planning Guidelines

Cities of the World, Brunn & Williams, 1993

An Introduction to Regional Planning, John Glasson, 1974

Applied Methods of Regional Analaysis, D.A. Rondinelli, 1985

Urban Planning, Cantanese & Snyder, 1998

Environmental Problems in Third World Cities, Jorge E. Hardoy, et al, 1992

(pls. suggest other good references, many thanks!)



This is a compilation of my lecture notes in PUP.

Hope you will find this useful. Do share some info by posting comments.

